Embracing Imperfection: The Beauty of Being Human

Today, let’s chat about something that’s been on my mind – the idea of striving for perfection. In a world where we’re bombarded with flawless photos, curated feeds, and seemingly perfect lives, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking we should be perfect too. But here’s the scoop: perfection is an illusion! 🎭 […]

We Need Multiple Streams of Happiness

Inner peace is the antidote to chaos. Avoid spiritual bankruptcy by having multiple deposits of joy from multiple sources: family, community, exercise, socializing, work and more. Don’t wrap your sense of relevance around only one role. If you have balance in your life, when you lose one thing, you realize you haven’t lost everything and […]

Anxious? Burned Out? Stressed? How to Avoid A Total Break Down Now and Later (COVID19)

The world seems upside down right now. We have global pandemics, job loss, strained relationships and bills due. Maybe you’re having trouble sleeping, difficulty focusing, changes in your appetite, irritability or headaches that won’t go away. Don’t ignore the yellow lights on the dashboard of your life. It’s time to schedule that nervous breakdown. Here’s […]