On Super Bowl XXXIII and Being Un-American (Humor)

It was Super Bowl XXXIII, the championship game between Denver and Atlanta. I was the hostess with the mostest until the 3rd quarter. Then, something happened that resulted in me being called “Un-American” for literally the only time in my life. I still don’t understand why everyone turned on me but I laugh every time […]
Learning Fortnite from my Gamer Grandson (#Reaction #Humor)

YouTuber Sans Sandwalker aka Dr. mOe’s grandson took a few minutes out of his busy schedule to teach her how to play the popular video game Fortnite. The training session is hilarious and the ending is priceless! Watch the expressions on his face as she asks question after question that has nothing to do with […]
Dating During A Pandemic (Humor)

https://drmoeanderson.libsyn.com/dating-during-a-pandemic-is-sooo-complicated-humor Dating during a pandemic is so confusing. When I see a guy at the grocery store now, I can’t tell if he’s flirting or just annoyed by the fit of his mask. There are 44 facial muscles to give a girl a clue. You can’t hide them from me! Sliding into my DM’s doesn’t […]
A Former Police Chief Speaks Out on Policing in America: Where Do We Go From Here?

#PoliceReform Culture, training, or both? See Theron Bowman, Ph.D., former Chief of Police in Arlington, Texas, and a highly sought after national consultant on police practices joins Dr. mOe Anderson in a discussion about reform for police departments, police culture, implicit bias, the “Ferguson Effect”, law enforcement training, a national police database, defunding, and so […]
Good Morning Texas Interview W/ Dr. mOe Anderson

Dr. mOe Anderson is not only an author and speaker, but she is also a long time podcaster. She recently sat down (virtually) w/ co-host Alanna Sarabia for an interview to discuss her recent podcast on racism! They also talked about writing and life balance. If you missed the broadcast, they have posted it online […]
Drop the Drugs, Inc Founder Dr. mOe Anderson on Fox News

Dr. mOe Anderson with Steve Dye, Grand Prairie Assistant City Manager and former Chief of Police discussing the Drop the Drugs community service program.
This Is Why Black America STILL Can’t Breathe

This audio exceprt from 2017 (sadly) could have been given this first week of June 2020. I made these remarks after the death of Eric Garner in NY. Today is #blackouttuesday in America. We are mourning the senseless, recent deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and numerous others before them. It is my […]
COVID19 and Mental Health Webinar With Dr. Brian Dixon

Dear World, Baby Come Back!

Dear World, Baby come back! I think about you every day. Little things bring you to mind. Like today when I was cooking the 207th not very happy meal of my quarantine. I remembered that waiter who knelt by the table to take my order for what has become my last supper (in a restaurant […]
3 Things I learned from NFL Hall of Famer Chris Doleman
This Coronavirus time out for the world has given me a lot of time to think. That may be the only sweet in this bittersweet lesson in living. For some reason, I keep having flashbacks to the day Chris Doleman saved my life. If you know anything about 290 pound NFL Pro Football Hall of […]