Dr. Masudi Stolard on Repositioning Yourself for Success

Entrepreneurial Strategist, Author, and Speaker Dr. Masudi Stolard joins Dr. Moe Anderson to discuss working as a White House Intern during the Obama Administration, using sentiment analysis to drive sales, entrepreneurship, maintaining life balance while managing multiple roles, and the myths of business start-up. If you’re thinking of starting a business or trying to expand your business, this is a must-hear episode.

We also discuss what to say when the FBI calls and the movie “Fatherhood” starring Kevin Hart. Dr. Stolard has great advice for new parents trying to do it all and not lose it all!

Learn more about Dr. Stolard at mstolard.com. 

If you’re interested in The Hatch white noise machine Dr. Stolard mentioned, here’s an Amazon Affiliate Link to this amazing product https://amzn.to/3hw4fSU