Dr. mOe Featured in Parade Magazine!
Wow! A huge thank you to “Parade Magazine” for featuring me in this health story on my journey with cancer as a #healthcare provider. Parade is the most widely read magazine in the U.S. with a circulation of 32 million and a readership of 54.1 million. I have been an #advocate for raising #cancerawareness since my diagnosis. Next month, I celebrate […]
How to Eat Without A Stomach and Manage Chemotherapy Side Effects
Learning to eat and manage side effects after a full or partial gastrectomy is challenging. In 2014, I had Roux en Y bypass surgery and my stomach was completely removed. In this video, I shares tips on how to manage common digestive problems after this type of surgery. I also discuss how I combat muscle […]
What NOT to Say to Your Friend With Cancer (with Audio)
Click here to listen to the podcast for this blog I guess I have been writing this blog since around 2013. Five years is a long time to spend on a blog of a few hundred words. Right? That’s because I reluctantly became a cancer Griot after my first diagnosis of a rare sarcoma (GIST) […]
What It Takes To Be A Survivor
February 18, 2014 I celebrated my 2-yr cancerversary. Until recently, I have generally avoided using the word “survivor” to refer to myself because I truly intend to be free of disease someday against all odds. As this type of sarcoma (GIST) has no known cure (yet), I was moved to look up the word “survivor” […]
All I Want for Christmas Is A Cure
I need your help. I’m part of a campaign to raise funds for GIST (a rare cancer) research. Donations are tax-deductible. Please help me and others going through this (un)natural disaster. Researchers are so close but they need more funding today! Thank you!