Confronting Challenges One Step At A Time

In this photo, I am walking through the streets of a foreign country where I don’t know anyone and I don’t speak the language. It was uncomfortable but necessary to fulfill my purpose. For many of us, every day feels this way as we face new trials and challenges at work and at home. ????‍♀️???? […]

Check Your (Emotional) Bags At The Gate

I cried like a two-year old at bedtime. Ugly. Loud. Passionate crying. It was an epic boo hoo of the sort reserved for devastating losses. I melted in the middle of DFW airport because I could not board my prepaid, uninsured, girls’ get away flight to Los Cabos, Mexico. We spent months planning an adventure […]

Finish Strong!

This has been an unexpected year for all of us but we are now in our last month of 2020. What is stopping you from finishing out this year strong?? You can do it! Push through and don’t give up hope!

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