Check Your (Emotional) Bags At The Gate

I cried like a two-year old at bedtime. Ugly. Loud. Passionate crying. It was an epic boo hoo of the sort reserved for devastating losses. I melted in the middle of DFW airport because I could not board my prepaid, uninsured, girls’ get away flight to Los Cabos, Mexico. We spent months planning an adventure […]
What To Do When You’re The Only Boomer In The Club! (Humor)

What NOT to Say to Your Friend With Cancer (with Audio)

Click here to listen to the podcast for this blog I guess I have been writing this blog since around 2013. Five years is a long time to spend on a blog of a few hundred words. Right? That’s because I reluctantly became a cancer Griot after my first diagnosis of a rare sarcoma (GIST) […]
Juggling for Beginners
I like jugglers. I’ve seen professional clowns juggle at the circus and executives juggle at the office. The execs call it time management or maximizing efficiency but the tasks are very similar. The definition of juggle is “cope with by adroitly balancing.” You may balance bowling pins or projects by constantly reprioritizing in order not […]
Video Testimonial for Dr. mOe Anderson
Under the Radar
The problem with living your entire life “under the radar” is that the safety of never being seen or heard is also the risk of never being seen or heard. In order to maximize the impact of your achievements, you must be willing to take the chance that others will know when you fail. #failforward
Where’s the Ketchup?
Can anyone tell me the origin of the current condiment crisis? What in heck happened to the salt and pepper supply? Do we need to drill in the Arctic for ketchup? It’s pandemic. (I never get to use that word. I don’t even know what it means.) Real Conversation from a local drive through: A […]