3 Life Lessons I Learned From A Seatbelt

When I was a kid, my mother’s right arm was my seat belt. It worked as long as we didn’t actually have an accident. In 1983, front seat belt wearing regulations were passed, making me and mom’s arm safer on the roads.

I was surprised to learn the first seat belt law was passed in 1968. It required all vehicles (except buses) to have seatbelts. Hard to believe they didn’t require you to actually wear them for fifteen years!

Today, every state has child restraint laws but seatbelt laws vary by state. I wish everyone were required to wear a seatbelt because I’ve learned some valuable lessons from mine.

~When you buckle someone in, they are counting on you. Don’t hang around if you can’t handle sudden stops and starts.

~New drivers, shouldn’t change your value. You are unique for a purpose, not a person.

~Don’t get stuck in a bad position. If you surround yourself with good people, they will pull you in the right direction.

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