A Former Police Chief Speaks Out on Policing in America: Where Do We Go From Here?

#PoliceReform Culture, training, or both? See Theron Bowman, Ph.D., former Chief of Police in Arlington, Texas, and a highly sought after national consultant on police practices joins Dr. mOe Anderson in a discussion about reform for police departments, police culture, implicit bias, the “Ferguson Effect”, law enforcement training, a national police database, defunding, and so much more! This is the conversation you wish you could have with a member of law enforcement. Please listen to the end there are so many gems here to help us all grow as a community, then, like, and share!!!
(The audio issue could not be resolved because of how the webinar was recorded. Thank you for your patience and support.)

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Dr. mOe Anderson is a speaker, author, dentist, and community activist in Texas. Her lifelong PASSION IS educating and entertaining others by sharing funny, practical, personal, and professional development strategies to elevate your attitude and altitude. Her motto is “Success Is A Side Effect” of doing your best in route to becoming your best! Visit her website at www.drmOeanderson.com and her nonprofit www.DropTheDrugs.org to learn more and join the conversation today!