My Top Tips for Increasing Confidence

increasing confidence

Increasing confidence means accepting your weaknesses and focusing on your strengths. These top tips are from a motivational speaker who understands the challenges. Learn how to increase confidence the easy way.

Increasing confidence can be tricky. You must accept things about yourself that aren’t necessarily uplifting. However, boosting your self-esteem also involves realizing the positive aspects of your personality. Maintaining a healthy balance is the key to projecting a confident demeanor.

Looking and feeling well put together is essential, especially in the professional world. You can fake it until you make it or be authentic. Most people choose authenticity. Increasing confidence allows you to express your true self without being deceitful. It can also help you survive through challenges or times when you doubt your abilities.

Why is confidence necessary? How do you begin to increase your confidence when it feels like the world is against you? Can a motivational speaker help, or do you have to do this alone? The answers might surprise you.


Table of Contents

Why Increasing Confidence Is Essential

3 Things Insecure People Do

Pro Tips for Increasing Confidence

#1. Practice Positive Self-Talk

#2. Take Care of Yourself

#3. Get Things Accomplished

#4. Work on Your Follow-Through

#5. Stick Up for Yourself

Increasing Confidence When You’re Feeling Insecure

How a Motivational Speaker Can Help with Increasing Confidence

Habit Homework



Why Increasing Confidence Is Essential

“Increasing confidence might seem selfish, but it matters more than many realize.”

People who lack self-confidence are prone to making mistakes, having accidents, and missing opportunities. They frequently struggle to make decisions and can brush off compliments that could lead somewhere.

Meanwhile, you’ll likely assume that others can see your flaws the same way you do. You won’t believe you deserve a chance, a promotion, or a break. Increasing confidence can help you see yourself through other people’s eyes and embrace the trials in your life. It also makes you more self-assured when there’s stiff competition.

DID YOU KNOW: Many companies refuse to hire employees who don’t demonstrate some level of confidence in their field.

3 Things Insecure People Do

Insecure people are less receptive to positive influences. They can also develop unhealthy habits that hinder their personal and professional growth. Folks with low self-esteem are often hurtful to others without realizing it. They can also exhibit these peculiar behaviors:

  1. They Second-Guess Themselves. A lack of confidence can make you feel uncomfortable with your decisions. Often, insecure people will seek the opinions of others before deciding on something. This can lead them down a primrose path to self-destruction.
  2. They Avoid Challenges. Increasing confidence helps you feel brave and competent, even when unsure of the future. You stress less about the possibilities and focus more on the potential. Insecure people won’t go near anything that threatens their false sense of security.
  3. Many Become People-Pleasers. They need others to like them so they’ll feel more confident. This can inspire action and habits that are ingenuine. Over time, people pleasing can lead to anxiety, depression, or an identity crisis.

“Increasing confidence helps you trust your instincts and try new things without fear.”

It can also make your messages more impactful and your actions authoritative. That’s why the best motivational speaker seems so put-together and untouchable. They work on increasing confidence and then teach others to do the same.

Pro Tips for Increasing Confidence

Increasing confidence isn’t always easy. Many people struggle to determine their strengths and weaknesses, let alone accept them and move on. An experienced motivational speaker might say to begin with a positive mantra you can repeat when feeling insecure. Other experts could advise journaling, talk therapy, or mirror exercises.

Those tactics can work, but they don’t get to the root of the problem. Confidence issues often stem from unresolved trauma and a lack of positive reinforcement. You must heal and become your personal cheerleading squad even when you don’t make the goal. Increasing confidence for the long-haul depends on it.

“Increase your confidence with a motivational speaker to stay accountable to learn valuable insights.”

Then use these five pro tips to make it stick:

#1. Practice Positive Self-Talk

Increasing confidence begins with you. The way you speak to yourself is critical. You can’t expect to feel self-assured when you’re constantly belittling yourself. Pay attention to how your mind races and what it says when stressed. Then manage the thoughts to mitigate your actions.

Positive self-talk encourages healthy risk-taking and prepares you for potential backlash. Develop a motto or choose an affirmation that helps motivate and uplift. Replace the negative inner monologue with more inspiring words to ensure optimal performance.

#2. Take Care of Yourself

You can’t feel self-assured if your mind is clouded or your body is aching. Increasing confidence requires a certain level of personal care and hygiene. Groom yourself to look your best, pick clothes that accentuate your personality, and work on fostering meaningful relationships with others.

“Self-care and self-respect go hand in hand.”

Motivational speakers often say that you can’t expect admiration from others when you don’t admire yourself first. People could notice your doubt and follow suit. Primp, prep, and pamper to help communicate your worth. A healthy diet and rigorous exercise routine also won’t hurt.

#3. Get Things Accomplished

Make a to-do list, and then mark off the things you get done. Create healthy and sustainable goals that you can track for at least 30-60 days.

“Increasing confidence can be as easy as reviewing your achievements and giving credit where credit is due.”

Your sphere of influence doesn’t have to be massive for some meaningful feedback. Ask friends, family, coworkers, and associates to give opinions and make requests. Steer your goals toward accomplishing things that will further your career or strengthen your relationships.

#4. Work on Your Follow-Through

If you say you’re doing to do something, do it. Don’t attempt perfection; seek completion. This will get people talking about how reliable and hardworking you are. They might also forgive the fact that you messed up, forgot something, or seemed inexperienced. Meanwhile, their positive reinforcement can help boost your self-esteem in similar situations.

“Teach yourself confidence by keeping your word.”

Following through also makes you feel better about yourself. It communicates that you’re capable and competent despite your subconscious doubts. You train your brain to accept updated facts about who you are and what you can handle.

#5. Stick Up for Yourself

You deserve respect from others, even if you’re imperfect. Letting people walk all over your feelings and achievements signifies insecurity. However, jumping down everyone’s throats because they criticize you is also a red flag. Learn balance by creating boundaries and remaining flexible.

Life is unpredictable, and you can’t control everything in your life. Falling apart each time something is unexpected or unplanned can be exhausting. Grow resilience to remain alert and continue increasing confidence despite your shortcomings.

NOTE: Seek help from a licensed clinical psychologist to determine healthy boundaries.

Increasing Confidence When You’re Feeling Insecure

We all have our bad days. Nobody feels confident 24/7. Even the most fabulous figures in our society can struggle with self-esteem issues. It’s virtually ubiquitous when faced with public scrutiny. How do you manage with odds like those?

Maintaining a calm and confident composure while challenged can be problematic, but it’s possible with the correct approach. You must consider every element of your surroundings first. Then you can discern the issues from your personal hang-ups. Try not to act until you’ve evaluated the situation carefully.

Always strive to do the right thing. This will help you avoid negative backlash from others while stopping the rumor mill in its tracks. You don’t have to be a saint, but you shouldn’t deliberately sabotage anyone or anything for personal gain. That technique might earn temporary street cred, but it won’t last long.

Feeling insecure can be uncomfortable, so create a routine to help you cope.

“Develop tailored strategies for increasing confidence before an important event.”

You can also ask a loved one to help you practice presentations or offer helpful feedback about your methods. Seek additional backup for when you feel nervous or unsteady.

Look for a motivational speaker who understands what it’s like to struggle with self-esteem issues. Discover inspiring presentations that encourage the appropriate response to help with increasing confidence, not artificially conveying it.

DID YOU KNOW: Some confidence-boosting exercises can make you appear conceited or arrogant instead of self-assured.

How a Motivational Speaker Can Help with Increasing Confidence

Motivational speakers pull from personal experience to inspire others in similar situations. They also offer relatable anecdotes to help audiences put things into perspective. Increasing confidence often means eliminating fear by broadening horizons and gathering opinions. Your favorite motivational speaker can provide practical insights that loved ones might be too afraid to share.

There aren’t many opportunities to get unbiased revelations paired with encouragement. Begin increasing confidence without those things, and it’s an uphill battle. Your colleagues and acquaintances can only do so much to improve your self-worth. The rest is up to you and the motivational speaker you listen to.

Not sure how someone else’s life story and advice can help you feel more confident? Check this out:

  • Motivational speakers can customize their messages to suit your needs.
  • They typically focus their topics on standard issues the audiences can relate to.
  • You can discover how they navigated challenging situations and personal setbacks.
  • Most of them don’t mind if you mimic their techniques to achieve your goals.
  • Some also offer additional tools for increasing confidence and preparing for an event.

You can harness the wisdom of a motivational speaker vicariously. In other words, learn from their mistakes and integrate healthy habits into your life. They’ll most likely share the nitty-gritty details of their journey because they’ve already conquered the demons of self-doubt.

Habit Homework

Clinging to every word a motivational speaker says probably won’t work as expected. Those people are only human and bound to fail. Their life story might deviate from your experiences and cause a mental or emotional disconnect. You must learn to carry the torch alone eventually.

Meanwhile, let a motivating mentor provide the foundation for increasing confidence. They’ll likely teach you helpful daily habits like these:

  1. Practice Mindful Meditation – Clear your mind so you can reason before acting and manage your emotions appropriately.
  2. Be Creative – Don’t fear thinking outside the box to solve complex problems. You might discover something exciting about yourself.
  3. Honor Your Curiosities – Seek things that stimulate your mind and force you out of your comfort zone. Take baby steps to avoid an untimely retreat.
  4. Look for Learning Experiences – Attempt to gain new knowledge daily, even if it’s about seemingly irrelevant information.
  5. Teach Somebody Something – Pass on your expertise to become someone associated with wisdom, clarity, honesty, and humility.
  6. Sleep Like You Mean It – Get restful sleep at night or take relaxing naps during the day. It helps restore your mind and body for peak performance.
  7. Get Out and Socialize – Increasing confidence requires you to interact with others. Make time for socialization, even if it’s in the office.
  8. Volunteer Somewhere – Share your skills with the less fortunate and disadvantaged. It will help you feel more appreciative of your blessings.

Practice these habits for at least 30 days before deciding if they work. Compare your strategies to motivational speakers and develop something suitable for your unique personality.


Increasing confidence requires work, but these tips can help make it easier. Learn how I boost my self-esteem and feel more prepared for life’s challenges. As a motivational speaker, I must maintain my positive outlook to help others do the same. My methods may have cracked the code.

Begin by unpacking and accepting your strengths and weaknesses. Understand that nobody is perfect, and those who strive for perfection are generally stressed out. Then focus on the positive impact you could make on your environment if performing at your best. Learn ways to maintain that trajectory despite the challenges.


About The Author

Dr mOe is a bestselling author, award-winning podcast host, and dynamic mOetivational speaker based in Dallas, Texas. She focuses on developing techniques for continual self-improvement through passion, humor, and experience. Follow her on IG @drmoeanderson and visit to browse her book titles and speaking engagement topics.