I Stand Accused: Reviewed by Raw Sistaz

James Adams is an optometrist living in Shreveport, Louisiana by way of Jefferson, Texas.  As the eldest of nine children, he was always the responsible one, the go-to guy for his family.  

I STAND ACCUSED by Monica Frazier Anderson examines the affects of the sins of the father, whether negative or positive.   James’ life begins to spiral out of control with the  eappearance of his high school sweetheart, the arrest of his brother, rumors about his sexuality and the continuation of a severe nightmare.  What exactly happened the night his father died?

The author, Anderson, weaves back and forth between the present and the past, providing a developed storyline and dialogue between the characters which, at times, is humorous.  Each sibling is highlighted then and now and there are many subplots, but not so much to add confusion.  The story is of a serious nature, which begs your attention and curiosity.

Reviewed by Dawn Reeves, RAWSISTAZ.com, Jan 20, 2008

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