Listening Is The New Reading! The Making of My 1st Audiobook Was Exciting!

Listen to a sample of my new audiobook  Success Is A Side Effect AudioBook  It was just released and is available for download. There are also paperback and e-book editions on and other retailers. It took six months to record 5 hrs and 15 mins with the pronunciation, tone, clarity, dB, pace, quality, and […]

What NOT to Say to Your Friend With Cancer (with Audio)

Click here to listen to the podcast for this blog I guess I have been writing this blog since around 2013. Five years is a long time to spend on a blog of a few hundred words. Right? That’s because I reluctantly became a cancer Griot after my first diagnosis of a rare sarcoma (GIST) […]

3 Life Lessons I Learned From A Seatbelt

When I was a kid, my mother’s right arm was my seat belt. It worked as long as we didn’t actually have an accident. In 1983, front seat belt wearing regulations were passed, making me and mom’s arm safer on the roads. I was surprised to learn the first seat belt law was passed in […]

Juggling for Beginners

I like jugglers. I’ve seen professional clowns juggle at the circus and executives juggle at the office. The execs call it time management or maximizing efficiency but the tasks are very similar.  The definition of juggle is “cope with by adroitly balancing.” You may balance bowling pins or projects by constantly reprioritizing in order not […]

Why Is Maya Angelou Famous?

I originally published this blog in 2012 but I am still mourning the passing of my shero while simultaneously celebrating her amazing life. She was truly a gift to mankind. I’m also attaching a wonderful Master Class that was broadcast on Oprah Winfrey’s network for those of you unfamiliar with the depth and breadth of […]

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