How Do Fiction Writers Make This Stuff Up? (Writers Life and Laughs)

A snooty, wealthy suburban housewife in an electronic ankle monitor and a 10-year old who gets into his grandmother’s edible brownies? Really? During a virtual meeting with A Good Read Book Club recently, I was asked how I came up with the plot for my novel. I tried to explain but really, the characters in […]

Don’t Compromise Who You Are

Don’t let anyone force you to compromise who you are for money. Not a company, not a companion, not a movement. Stick to your ideals. Value your values. At the end of the day, you will sleep better having done the right thing for the right reason.

Finish Strong!

This has been an unexpected year for all of us but we are now in our last month of 2020. What is stopping you from finishing out this year strong?? You can do it! Push through and don’t give up hope!

Fighting Trees

Every answer is not on YouTube or Google. There will be problems your friends can’t help you solve. The question is “When you don’t know what might happen, do you want it badly enough to try anyway?” Fighting trees means using your experience and instinct in innovative ways no one can teach you. You know […]

On Super Bowl XXXIII and Being Un-American (Humor)

It was Super Bowl XXXIII, the championship game between Denver and Atlanta. I was the hostess with the mostest until the 3rd quarter. Then, something happened that resulted in me being called “Un-American” for literally the only time in my life. I still don’t understand why everyone turned on me but I laugh every time […]

Good Morning Texas Interview W/ Dr. mOe Anderson

Dr. mOe Anderson is not only an author and speaker, but she is also a long time podcaster. She recently sat down (virtually) w/ co-host Alanna Sarabia for an interview to discuss her recent podcast on racism! They also talked about writing and life balance. If you missed the broadcast, they have posted it online […]

About That Life (Motivational)

Are you about that UN- life? You already know. Un-fulfilled? Un-happy? Un-fortunate? Un-appreciated? Un-equal? Un-wanted? Un-heard? Are are you simply under the influence of someone who doesn’t reciprocate your lovingkindness? I understand. When you don’t give an “F” to the -un, the day to day grind is not very fun. Here’s something to think about. […]

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