How Do Fiction Writers Make This Stuff Up? (Writers Life and Laughs)

A snooty, wealthy suburban housewife in an electronic ankle monitor and a 10-year old who gets into his grandmother’s edible brownies? Really? During a virtual meeting with A Good Read Book Club recently, I was asked how I came up with the plot for my novel. I tried to explain but really, the characters in […]

Don’t Compromise Who You Are

Don’t let anyone force you to compromise who you are for money. Not a company, not a companion, not a movement. Stick to your ideals. Value your values. At the end of the day, you will sleep better having done the right thing for the right reason.

Finish Strong!

This has been an unexpected year for all of us but we are now in our last month of 2020. What is stopping you from finishing out this year strong?? You can do it! Push through and don’t give up hope!

(Audio Excerpt) Dr. mOe’s New Novel “Never Close Your Heart”

Read by the author, Dr. mOe Anderson, from her seventh book Never Close Your Heart. This new novel is the stand-alone sequel to the Essence Bestseller When A Sistah’s Fed Up. Listen and order your copy today at Synopsis: Unless it’s under reconstruction…never close your heart. Never Close Your Heart is a humorous and […]

We Need Multiple Streams of Happiness

Inner peace is the antidote to chaos. Avoid spiritual bankruptcy by having multiple deposits of joy from multiple sources: family, community, exercise, socializing, work and more. Don’t wrap your sense of relevance around only one role. If you have balance in your life, when you lose one thing, you realize you haven’t lost everything and […]

Making Alzheimer’s Personal

Alzheimer’s disease is more than a news story for me. It’s very personal. This disease is making headlines this week because of a story about famed restaurateur Barbara Smith aka B. Smith who was diagnosed in 2014. Her husband, Dan Gasby, is coping in a nontraditional way and many people have strong opinions about his […]

About That Life (Motivational)

Are you about that UN- life? You already know. Un-fulfilled? Un-happy? Un-fortunate? Un-appreciated? Un-equal? Un-wanted? Un-heard? Are are you simply under the influence of someone who doesn’t reciprocate your lovingkindness? I understand. When you don’t give an “F” to the -un, the day to day grind is not very fun. Here’s something to think about. […]

Listening Is The New Reading! The Making of My 1st Audiobook Was Exciting!

Listen to a sample of my new audiobook  Success Is A Side Effect AudioBook  It was just released and is available for download. There are also paperback and e-book editions on and other retailers. It took six months to record 5 hrs and 15 mins with the pronunciation, tone, clarity, dB, pace, quality, and […]

Run Oprah Run

Recently, media mogul, Oprah “Golden Touch” Winfrey made a speech during the Golden Globe Awards. As always, she was articulate, well prepared, and passionate in her delivery. She moved the audience and Twitterverse with her opinions on racial injustice, #metoo, and freedom of the press. It was quintessential Oprah. A quick YouTube search yields a […]

Juggling for Beginners

I like jugglers. I’ve seen professional clowns juggle at the circus and executives juggle at the office. The execs call it time management or maximizing efficiency but the tasks are very similar.  The definition of juggle is “cope with by adroitly balancing.” You may balance bowling pins or projects by constantly reprioritizing in order not […]

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