What It Takes To Be A Survivor

February 18, 2014 I celebrated my 2-yr cancerversary. Until recently, I have generally avoided using the word “survivor” to refer to myself because I truly intend to be free of disease someday against all odds.

As this type of sarcoma (GIST) has no known cure (yet), I was moved to look up the word “survivor” a few weeks ago. Survivor means: to continue to live; a person alive after an event in which others have died; to exist.

It does not mean you are healed, rescued, no longer facing challenges or even that you won’t die eventually. It means–right now–you ARE alive. Make the best of THIS day and THIS place and THIS opportunity to be a light despite your fierce battle with darkness.

I’m a survivor. Are you?


#iwon’tstop #it’salwaysagreatday
