If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud.– Emile Zola
I did it. I wrote a blog a day for 31 days! For perspective, I only wrote seven all of last year and 33 the year before that. My goal has been one a week since I started blogging, but life, my day jobs, paid writing projects, and family came first. Blogging has been a way to freestyle, to relax, to reveal, if you will. This month, however, blogging became a mission. Today, my mission is accomplished. Thank you for sharing the journey as I sharpened my virtual pen and my literal mind. I feel like a writer again. I needed that. I’m convinced that I breathe because I write or I write because I breathe. Either way, it is the one reliable thing in my life. Letters never lie. #itsnotover