Women’s Her-Story Month: Honoring the Legacy of Resilience and Wisdom

As we celebrate Women’s Her-Story Month, I reflect on the profound influence of the women who shaped my life—the pillars of strength who guided me with unwavering determination and boundless love. My mother and three grandmothers, each carving their unique paths in a world marked by adversity, have left an indelible mark on my journey. […]

Learning Fortnite from my Gamer Grandson (#Reaction #Humor)

YouTuber Sans Sandwalker aka Dr. mOe’s grandson took a few minutes out of his busy schedule to teach her how to play the popular video game Fortnite. The training session is hilarious and the ending is priceless! Watch the expressions on his face as she asks question after question that has nothing to do with […]

Old Is The New Hip

Let’s start with the obvious. I’m no spring chicken. For example, I’m old enough to use that phrase “spring chicken” but too young to have any idea what that expression means. Okay. Now, I have to look it up. Squirrel! Shiny thing! BRB… If you’re wondering also, here you go. Spring Chicken   Anyway, I am […]

100 Reasons to Pay Your Babysitter, In Full, On Time!

I’m not new to the grandma rodeo. My oldest grandson is five now. We have spent many hours together playing with action figures, hiding from his parents (who were not actually seeking us), and giggling our way through Cartoon Network marathons. I started keeping him overnight, as needed, when he was a few months old. […]

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