We Need Multiple Streams of Happiness

Inner peace is the antidote to chaos. Avoid spiritual bankruptcy by having multiple deposits of joy from multiple sources: family, community, exercise, socializing, work and more. Don’t wrap your sense of relevance around only one role. If you have balance in your life, when you lose one thing, you realize you haven’t lost everything and […]

The Beauty of Scars

I have had two major abdominal surgeries along with a dozen or so other incisions, scrapes, cuts, and bumps. They make my skin darker or lighter. They change the texture of my birthday suit from satin to sand. My scars draw attention to themselves as if to say, “Look at me! I made it through!” […]

Why Are You Waiting For A Turn at the Table?

Your “turn at the table” is code for “stand by until (someone else) says you may play. Develop a network, protect your intellectual property, get wifi, and set your own table! You don’t need permission to make a difference. #notwaiting www.drmoeanderson.com

3 Life Lessons I Learned From A Seatbelt

When I was a kid, my mother’s right arm was my seat belt. It worked as long as we didn’t actually have an accident. In 1983, front seat belt wearing regulations were passed, making me and mom’s arm safer on the roads. I was surprised to learn the first seat belt law was passed in […]

Do You Have A Poker Voice?

Successful leaders learn to not only have a poker face but they also have a poker voice. What does that mean? It means that when they speak, they have learned to control the tone of their voice, the pace of their voice, and the content of their remarks so that it is difficult to gauge […]

Juggling for Beginners

I like jugglers. I’ve seen professional clowns juggle at the circus and executives juggle at the office. The execs call it time management or maximizing efficiency but the tasks are very similar.  The definition of juggle is “cope with by adroitly balancing.” You may balance bowling pins or projects by constantly reprioritizing in order not […]

100 Reasons to Pay Your Babysitter, In Full, On Time!

I’m not new to the grandma rodeo. My oldest grandson is five now. We have spent many hours together playing with action figures, hiding from his parents (who were not actually seeking us), and giggling our way through Cartoon Network marathons. I started keeping him overnight, as needed, when he was a few months old. […]

Picking Up The Pieces (My Theater Acting Debut) 2/14/14

PICKING UP THE PIECES 4. The year is off to a great start! Feeling so blessed and excited as I embrace the power of now in my new 100%. In December, I had my first acting role in a fabulous short by Mikki C Mikki, author/award winning director/producer. Now, I have the amazing opportunity to […]

All I Want for Christmas Is A Cure

I need your help. I’m part of a campaign to raise funds for GIST (a rare cancer) research. Donations are tax-deductible. Please help me and others going through this (un)natural disaster. Researchers are so close but they need more funding today! Thank you!

Under the Radar

The problem with living your entire life “under the radar” is that the safety of never being seen or heard is also the risk of never being seen or heard. In order to maximize the impact of your achievements, you must be willing to take the chance that others will know when you fail. #failforward

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