Dear World, Baby Come Back!

Dear World, Baby come back! I think about you every day. Little things bring you to mind. Like today when I was cooking the 207th not very happy meal of my quarantine. I remembered that waiter who knelt by the table to take my order for what has become my last supper (in a restaurant […]
We Need Multiple Streams of Happiness

Inner peace is the antidote to chaos. Avoid spiritual bankruptcy by having multiple deposits of joy from multiple sources: family, community, exercise, socializing, work and more. Don’t wrap your sense of relevance around only one role. If you have balance in your life, when you lose one thing, you realize you haven’t lost everything and […]
What To Do When You’re The Only Boomer In The Club! (Humor)

The Fear You Crushed Virtual Summit W/ Gigi Barnett on Story Sell Your Brand

Old Is The New Hip

Let’s start with the obvious. I’m no spring chicken. For example, I’m old enough to use that phrase “spring chicken” but too young to have any idea what that expression means. Okay. Now, I have to look it up. Squirrel! Shiny thing! BRB… If you’re wondering also, here you go. Spring Chicken Anyway, I am […]
What NOT to Say to Your Friend With Cancer (with Audio)

Click here to listen to the podcast for this blog I guess I have been writing this blog since around 2013. Five years is a long time to spend on a blog of a few hundred words. Right? That’s because I reluctantly became a cancer Griot after my first diagnosis of a rare sarcoma (GIST) […]
All Teeth Matter! The Importance of Oral Health and Dentists of Color in Our Communities

Oral health, wellness, and dentists of color. Click to learn more! Please click the link to hear a clip from this engaging, informative discussion on the relationship between oral health and overall wellness. Learn why maintaining optimal dental health is important for both adults and children. Dental Consultant, speaker and entrepreneur Dr. mOe Anderson discusses […]
3 Life Lessons I Learned From A Seatbelt

When I was a kid, my mother’s right arm was my seat belt. It worked as long as we didn’t actually have an accident. In 1983, front seat belt wearing regulations were passed, making me and mom’s arm safer on the roads. I was surprised to learn the first seat belt law was passed in […]
Run Oprah Run

Recently, media mogul, Oprah “Golden Touch” Winfrey made a speech during the Golden Globe Awards. As always, she was articulate, well prepared, and passionate in her delivery. She moved the audience and Twitterverse with her opinions on racial injustice, #metoo, and freedom of the press. It was quintessential Oprah. A quick YouTube search yields a […]
Do You Have A Poker Voice?

Successful leaders learn to not only have a poker face but they also have a poker voice. What does that mean? It means that when they speak, they have learned to control the tone of their voice, the pace of their voice, and the content of their remarks so that it is difficult to gauge […]