Why Doesn’t Batwoman Have Help?

Balance, as in life balance, might as well be a four-letter word because so many adults these days are proud of working too much and resting too little. I know people who are drowning themselves in energy drinks and coffee rather than admit it they are exhausted. But if we want our sons, daughters, loved ones, or acquaintances to have balanced lives that include work, rest, and play, then we need to role-model that balance. If your actions say you can do everything at any time without any help, don’t complain when everyone is happy to let you be Batwoman and save the world.

Why doesn’t Batwoman have a sidekick anyway, like Batman, Robinson Crusoe, and the Lone Ranger? And why is she wearing a swimsuit and boots? What kind of crime-fighting attire is that? Superman wore flats and Batman had a butler. Batwoman is fictional. That’s why. Stop killing yourself. You can do it all but you cannot do it all well. Someone or something will suffer. Do yourself a favor and add multiple streams of happiness to your daily life.

In the words of Phyllis Diller, “Housework won’t kill you, but why take the chance?”