How to Concentrate During Chaos (Podcast)

Image of a woman and the word Focus

When you’re under stress, it’s easy to lose perspective or start swaying every way the wind blows. In this episode, Dr. mOe shares the key steps to move your focus away from shiny distractions to disciplined concentration. Learn to reach your large and small goals without sacrificing your relationships. Subscribe to Perpetual mOe-tion with Dr. […]

Thank You For The Lessons 2020. You May Leave Now

I’m embarrassed but I have a confession. I lost 350 of my 365 heavyweight rounds with 2020…BUT I’m still standing. I also learned 3 critical life lessons that I will never forget. 1. Instant mashed potatoes can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner and they don’t seem to spoil. 2. If you have made […]

Why You Need A Vision Board

Hope is never false. Vision boards motivate you. Throughout the year they remind you of the what, why, where, and how of your dreams. Sometimes the “when” takes longer than a year but, thankfully, dreams don’t have an expiration date. In this video, I share why it took four years to reach one of my […]

How Do Fiction Writers Make This Stuff Up? (Writers Life and Laughs)

A snooty, wealthy suburban housewife in an electronic ankle monitor and a 10-year old who gets into his grandmother’s edible brownies? Really? During a virtual meeting with A Good Read Book Club recently, I was asked how I came up with the plot for my novel. I tried to explain but really, the characters in […]

Don’t Compromise Who You Are

Don’t let anyone force you to compromise who you are for money. Not a company, not a companion, not a movement. Stick to your ideals. Value your values. At the end of the day, you will sleep better having done the right thing for the right reason.

Finish Strong!

This has been an unexpected year for all of us but we are now in our last month of 2020. What is stopping you from finishing out this year strong?? You can do it! Push through and don’t give up hope!

Never Close Your Heart by Dr. mOe Anderson (Christian Fiction Book Trailer)

Read an excerpt and order your copy today on Never Close Your Heart by Monica F. Anderson All Faith Henry wanted was peace. She gave up almost everything to have it. She resigned from her position as mayor, filed for divorce, and sold her dream home, vowing no job or man would ever […]

Fighting Trees

Every answer is not on YouTube or Google. There will be problems your friends can’t help you solve. The question is “When you don’t know what might happen, do you want it badly enough to try anyway?” Fighting trees means using your experience and instinct in innovative ways no one can teach you. You know […]

(Audio Excerpt) Dr. mOe’s New Novel “Never Close Your Heart”

Read by the author, Dr. mOe Anderson, from her seventh book Never Close Your Heart. This new novel is the stand-alone sequel to the Essence Bestseller When A Sistah’s Fed Up. Listen and order your copy today at Synopsis: Unless it’s under reconstruction…never close your heart. Never Close Your Heart is a humorous and […]

So How Was Your Date (Hilarious Interview w Dr. mOe on Kiss & Tell Radio)

Wait! Wait! There’s more! This interview is from the press junket for the anthology “So… How Was Your Date?: Dating Chronicles of Single Men and Women.” Writing and working with that group of men and women is one of the most fun tours of my career. We laughed so much I still smile when I […]