Check Your (Emotional) Bags At The Gate

I cried like a two-year old at bedtime. Ugly. Loud. Passionate crying. It was an epic boo hoo of the sort reserved for devastating losses. I melted in the middle of DFW airport because I could not board my prepaid, uninsured, girls’ get away flight to Los Cabos, Mexico. We spent months planning an adventure […]

Good Morning Texas Interview W/ Dr. mOe Anderson

Dr. mOe Anderson is not only an author and speaker, but she is also a long time podcaster. She recently sat down (virtually) w/ co-host Alanna Sarabia for an interview to discuss her recent podcast on racism! They also talked about writing and life balance. If you missed the broadcast, they have posted it online […]

We Need Multiple Streams of Happiness

Inner peace is the antidote to chaos. Avoid spiritual bankruptcy by having multiple deposits of joy from multiple sources: family, community, exercise, socializing, work and more. Don’t wrap your sense of relevance around only one role. If you have balance in your life, when you lose one thing, you realize you haven’t lost everything and […]

The Beauty of Scars

I have had two major abdominal surgeries along with a dozen or so other incisions, scrapes, cuts, and bumps. They make my skin darker or lighter. They change the texture of my birthday suit from satin to sand. My scars draw attention to themselves as if to say, “Look at me! I made it through!” […]

Why Are You Waiting For A Turn at the Table?

Your “turn at the table” is code for “stand by until (someone else) says you may play. Develop a network, protect your intellectual property, get wifi, and set your own table! You don’t need permission to make a difference. #notwaiting

Making Alzheimer’s Personal

Alzheimer’s disease is more than a news story for me. It’s very personal. This disease is making headlines this week because of a story about famed restaurateur Barbara Smith aka B. Smith who was diagnosed in 2014. Her husband, Dan Gasby, is coping in a nontraditional way and many people have strong opinions about his […]

About That Life (Motivational)

Are you about that UN- life? You already know. Un-fulfilled? Un-happy? Un-fortunate? Un-appreciated? Un-equal? Un-wanted? Un-heard? Are are you simply under the influence of someone who doesn’t reciprocate your lovingkindness? I understand. When you don’t give an “F” to the -un, the day to day grind is not very fun. Here’s something to think about. […]

Lessons from Wonderland (with Audio)

(Audio) Lessons from Wonderland With Dr. mOe Anderson  Sometimes really bad things happen to really good people but, oft times, we invite trouble in before it even knocks. Heck, we text trouble and arrange to meet it after work, occasionally! Don’t we? Take my infamous friend Alice of Wonderland, USA.. It’s unanimously agreed her life […]

3 Life Lessons I Learned From A Seatbelt

When I was a kid, my mother’s right arm was my seat belt. It worked as long as we didn’t actually have an accident. In 1983, front seat belt wearing regulations were passed, making me and mom’s arm safer on the roads. I was surprised to learn the first seat belt law was passed in […]

Run Oprah Run

Recently, media mogul, Oprah “Golden Touch” Winfrey made a speech during the Golden Globe Awards. As always, she was articulate, well prepared, and passionate in her delivery. She moved the audience and Twitterverse with her opinions on racial injustice, #metoo, and freedom of the press. It was quintessential Oprah. A quick YouTube search yields a […]

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